Dreaded Comparison Complex & How it Creates Self Doubt (& strips away our identities)

Dreaded Comparison Complex & How it Creates Self Doubt (& strips away our identities)

Have you ever said, "I wish I was more like (fill in the blank)?
Is that person more popular, has more material things, or seems to be the "it" person of the hour?
Are they smarter or more competent than I am?
That person is progressing faster than me!
They get more attention, maybe their niche is better than mine?
When we set out to be like everyone else, we will be mediocre at best.
What do you really want people to know about you? Are you being authentic? Who are you genuinely? Are your words and actions in alignment? You are worthy & needed just as you are 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards we set for ourselves.
Today, I was doing some research for a writing project and I came across a common pitfall we often encounter in our profession: the tendency to compare ourselves to others. This habit can sneak in to our heads despite all the education and awareness & feed into self-doubt and hinder our growth.
Firstly, it's crucial to recognise that comparison is a natural human tendency. However, the key is not to let these comparisons dictate our self-worth or creative style or identity. Each of us has a unique set of skills, experiences, and perspectives that they bring to the table. Embracing this uniqueness is what makes us effective and authentic in our purpose.
âś…Here are a few strategies to avoid negative comparisons:
🌟Focus on Your Journey: Remember that everyone's path is different. Celebrate your own milestones and progress, no matter how big or small they may seem. It’s YOUR journey- don’t miss the beautiful moments that belong to you.
🌟Learn, Don’t Compare: Instead of comparing, view other people as sources of inspiration and learning. Emulate their positive qualities without undermining your own strengths.
🌟Embrace Collaboration Over Competition: Foster a collaborative mindset. By working together and sharing insights, we can grow collectively rather than feeling threatened by each other's success.
🌟Reflect on Your Impact: Regularly reflect on the positive impact you’ve had on the people around you, on the people you engage with. This can be incredibly reaffirming and a strong antidote to self-doubt.
🌟Self-Care and Mindfulness: Engage in activities that boost your mental well-being. Mindfulness practices can help center your thoughts and reduce the inclination to compare.
🌟You probably don’t consider this, but others are looking at you thinking you have it all together 👀. Our perceived reality is only our perception- reverse engineer your thinking and become the role model that others believe you are 🤩
By shifting our mindset from comparison to personal growth and collaboration, we not only enhance our own well-being but also become better creators & leaders. Remember, the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
Let’s continue to support each other in this journey, supportive and encouraging with compassion and kindness always ❤️
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